-: Sep 19, 2016 / Panos

The need for private security services at parties

Security at Parties

Stories of gate crashers at private parties causing havoc and injury are only too common these days. We see and read of unwanted guests turning up in groups, jumping fences to gain entry or even friends and family turning on each other when alcohol or drugs are abused. The impact of not hiring an experienced security company for security services can be devastating for all involved. Melbourne has seen a rise in gate crashers at parties in recent times. For example, this month a police officer was assaulted at an out of control underage party in Bayswater.

In May, party hosts in Point Cook had to barricade themselves in a bedroom after 200 youths gate crashed a party. The party was advertised on social media, following the hosts being robbed, and with doors and windows smashed before police could arrive. Perhaps the idea is not to post your party on social media and hire some security services. http://(http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/facebook-party-brawl-four-people-injured-in-wild-melee-in-point-cook-20160521-gp0r9l.html).

Also in May, teenage girls needed to barricade doors as 30 gate crashers pushed their way into a Kew home smashing property and stealing alcohol.

Hiring a security services though is only one step in the process to ensure the safety of your property and guests. At Titanium Security we provide additional advice to our clients to ensure their protection, some of our tips are:

  • Monitor Social Media
  • Adhere to capacity requirements
  • Provide a guest list
  • Secure the boundary
  • Limit entry points
  • Responsible service of alcohol and,
  • Notify the police to name a few.

If you are planning a private party and would like to hire a security guard please contact us for a quote. If you to book your next event with us by September 30 we will reward you with 2 hours of security services free of change.*

*based on minimum booking of 10 hours.








Posted in: Private Security Services